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14 Days of Ultimate Prizes
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Fondo de premios
14,000 FS

Did you miss out on our sensational 14 Days of Ultimate Prizes tournament? Well, get ready for round two of the two-week extravaganza! We're cranking up the excitement with a mind-blowing 14,000 FS up for grabs! Each day, a thrilling tournament worth 1,000 FS awaits. Simply unleash your winning skills on your favorite pokies and aim for greatness to seize your chance at victory! Don't let this thrilling opportunity slip away!


  1. Press the confirmation button on this page.
  2. From July 14 until July 27, 2023, play any kind of slots for real money.
  3. Place as many bets as possible, get points and top the leaderboard.
  4. Come back every day and win a new prize pool — 1,000 FS daily.
Tournament rules
  1. The 14 Days of Ultimate Prizes campaign runs from July 14, 2023 00:00 UTC, until June 27, 2023 23:59 UTC. It includes 14 daily tournaments.
  2. This campaign is only for the registered regular players of who have placed at least one deposit, are allowed to play here and are eligible for all the bonuses.
  3. To join this campaign, players need to play any of the qualifying games for real money during the promotional period. All games from the Slots section qualify for this tournament.
  4. The total prize pool of 14,000 free spins will be split between 14 daily tournaments worth 1,000 free spins each. The prize pools of daily tournaments will be divided among the first 10 players on the leaderboard.
  5. Winning mechanics for each daily tournament: Players earn points for placing bets while playing selected games for real money. Each bet equals 1 point.
  6. Free spins will be issued within 72 hours (3 business days) after the end of the tournament in the following games: Landy-Candy by 1spin4win, Big Wild Buffalo by Belatra, Cash'n Fruits 27 Hold And Win by 1spin4win, Princess Suki by Belatra, Lucky Gold Miner by 1spin4win, Expansion! by bsg, Mega Booming Diamonds by 1spin4win, Gemini Joker by bsg, Cash'n Fruits X by 1spin4win, Mayan Riches Rockways by mascot, Wild Fruit Jam by Belatra, Fruit Machine Megabonus by Mascot, Pho Sho by bsg, Fruit Machine x25 by mascot.
  7. Free spins must be activated in the promo section of the player’s profile within 1 day. Once activated, free spins are available for 1 day.
  8. Maximum winnings from free spins: 200 EUR, 200 USD, 200 CAD, 200 AUD, 200 NZD, 1,000 BRL, 2,000 NOK, 0.0088 BTC, 1.51 BCH, 0.12 ETH, 3.5 LTC, 2,900 DOG, 200 USDT.
  9. Maximum winnings from money gained from using free spins: 400 EUR, 400 USD, 400 CAD, 400 AUD, 400 NZD, 2,200 BRL, 4,000 NOK, 0.019 BTC, 3.27 BCH, 0.26 ETH, 4.45 LTC, 6,000 DOG, 400 USDT.
  10. Wagering for free spins: x30. Duration: 1 day.
  11. reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel this campaign at any time.
  12. The General Bonus Policy applies.
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