100% BONUS + 100 FS!

Want to get more bonus money and free spins on Black Friday? Then grab our Increased Deal and enjoy having a 100% bonus + 100 FS just on top of your regular deposit! Be quick, it’s only a temporary offer!


  1. From November 23 to 27, сopy the code by just clicking on it. You should see the “Copied to clipboard” pop-up in the top right corner of your screen.
  2. Open the deposit window, enter the code and click the “ADD BONUS CODE” button.
  3. Deposit at least €60 or more.
  4. Instantly get a 100% bonus up to €400 on top of your deposit.
  5. Go to the Promo section of your profile, activate and use 50 FS.
  6. Next day, come back for another 50 FS.

Activate/use the first FS package within 24 hrs from the moment of issue. Otherwise, you won’t receive the remaining free spin packages.

Bonus rules
  1. The Increased Deal runs from November 23, 2023, 00:00 UTC until November 27, 2023, 23:59 UTC.
  2. This offer is available only once in a lifetime to the players of olympia.casino who are allowed to play at this casino and are eligible for all the bonuses.
  3. To claim the Increased Deal promotion, players need to enter the bonus code LAVISH in the deposit window and deposit at least: 60 EUR, 60 USD, 400 NOK, 60 CAD, 60 NZD, 60 AUD, 90 BRL, 0.0018 BTC, 0.033 ETH, 0.93 LTC, 0.28 BCH, 850 DOG, and 60 USDT. If a player doesn’t enter the bonus code while depositing, they will not be eligible to receive this bonus.
  4. Upon meeting the bonus requirements, players will instantly get a 100% bonus on top of their deposit. 100 free spins will be issued at 50 spins per day every 24 hours for 2 days in the Magic Apple: Hold and Win from Booongo. If this game is not available in the player’s country, free spins will be granted in the Cinderella from Platipus.
  5. If a player hasn’t activated/used or cancelled the first or any subsequent free spins package within 24 hours from the moment of issue, they won’t receive the remaining free spins packages.
  6. Maximum bonus amount: 400 EUR, 400 USD, 2,800 NOK, 400 CAD, 400 NZD, 400 AUD, 2,000 BRL, 0.012 BTC, 0.22 ETH, 6.19 LTC, 1.88 BCH, 5,700 DOG, and 400 USDT.
  7. Maximum winnings from bonus funds: 500 EUR, 500 USD, 3,500 NOK, 500 CAD, 500 NZD, 500 AUD, 3,000 BRL, 0.015 BTC, 0.27 ETH, 7.74 LTC, 2.36 BCH, 7,100 DOG, and 500 USDT.
  8. Maximum winnings from free spins: 200 EUR, 200 USD, 2,000 NOK, 200 CAD, 200 NZD, 200 AUD, 1,000 BRL, 0.0059 BTC, 0.11 ETH, 3.1 LTC, 0.94 BCH, 2,850 DOG, and 200 USDT.
  9. Maximum winnings from bonus money gained from free spins: 400 EUR, 400 USD, 4,000 NOK, 400 CAD, 400 NZD, 400 AUD, 2,000 BRL, 0.012 BTC, 0.22 ETH, 6.19 LTC, 1.88 BCH, 5,700 DOG, and 400 USDT.
  10. Wagering: x40 for bonus money; x30 for free spins. Duration: 1 day.
  11. Available for 1 day from the time of deposit.
  12. Activation period for each Free Spins package: 1 day.
  13. Olympia.casino reserves the right to amend or cancel this bonus offer at any time.
  14. The General Bonus Policy applies.
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