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Thunderbolts of Zeus
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Prize Pool

The almighty Zeus decided to host a big tournament among all Olympians! Hurry up to participate and win your share of the 1,000 free spins. You only need to play slots for real money to win this competition!


  1. Hit the “PARTICIPATE” button above to register for the tournament.
  2. Play any Slot games for real money with bets from A$1.
  3. Score points for winning bets. Each A$1 won equals 1 point.
  4. Make it to the top of the leaderboard and win your share of 1,000 FS.
Tournament rules
  1. The Thunderbolts of Zeus tournament runs between January 26, 2022 00:01 UTC and January 30, 2022 23:59 UTC.
  2. This tournament is available only to the registered players of olympia.casino who are allowed to play at this casino and eligible for all the bonuses.
  3. Only players who made at least one deposit are eligible to take part in the tournament.
  4. To join the tournament, players need to register by clicking the Participate button on the tournament’s page and place real money bets of at least 1 AUD, 1 CAD, 1 USD, 1 NZD, 1 EUR, 0.004 BCH, 5 BRL, 0.00003 BTC, 4 DOG, 0.0005 ETH, 0.011 LTC, 90 RUB, 1.15 USDT while playing any of the qualifying games. All slot games qualify for this tournament.
  5. The total prize pool of 1,000 free spins will be distributed among the top 20 (twenty) players on the leaderboard.
  6. Only winning bets placed in qualifying games played for real money, contribute to the players’ total score of points which determines the players’ position on the leaderboard. Each 1 AUD, 1 CAD, 1 USD, 1 NZD, 1 EUR, 0.004 BCH, 5 BRL, 0.00003 BTC, 4 DOG, 0.0005 ETH, 0.011 LTC, 90 RUB, 1.15 USDT won equals 1 point.
  7. The prizes will be credited to the players’ accounts automatically after the end of the promotion.
  8. Maximum winnings from free spins: 200.00 EUR, 200.00 USD, 200.00 CAD, 200.00 AUD, 200.00 NZD, 17,000.00 RUB, 900.00 PLN, 1,200.00 BRL, 1.00 INR, 0.00700000 BTC, 0.86000000 BCH, 0.100000000 ETH, 2.30000000 LTC, 2,200.00000000 DOG, and 600.00000000 USDT
  9. The wagering requirement for free spins: x30. Duration for wagering: 3 days.
  10. Free spins are available for 1 day from the moment of activation.
  11. Olympia Casino reserves the right to amend or cancel this campaign at any time.
  12. The General Bonus Policy applies.
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